
Dispatch #2 Check out our new website!

Dispatch #2 Check out our new website!

We now have 10 Hello Hubs in Nepal and 10 in Uganda, 8 of which are in Nakivale Refugee Settlement. We have also updated our wonderful website, thanks to Manifesto Studios. We would love you to take a look and let us know if our donate button is working!

It has been a great year, but don't take it from us... Esther is a mother from Katale, Uganda, and she said;

"Do you know what you have done for these girls' future? You have connected them to the world and hence opened up opportunities for them - there is so much that they can know."

A huge thank you to all of our partners and donors this year, in particular our Internet Service Providers, who donate free wifi for thousands of people at every Hub. The roll out of Hello World wouldn't have been possible without Roke Telekom in Uganda and Everest Link in Nepal.

Connectivity, education and electricity in refugee settlements and marginalised communities are essential. They allow people to continue their lives with dignity and work for a better future. 

In 2020 Hello World will be building more Hubs and launching three new programs; vocational skills training, Hub Heroes literacy and numeracy education in partnership with One Billion, and  - in response to popular demand  - a video linkup mentoring program.

If you would like to mentor a student at the Hello Hub then do get in touch with me. 

Wishing you all a very happy holiday or in the words of our hub users...
Likizo Njema, Iminsi Mikuru myiza, Joyeuses fêtes, Kwagaliza sekukulu Nungi and Shuba bida!

Katrin x

Thank you for all of the support in 2019. If you would like to help us with our plans for 2020, we would be very grateful.

If you would like to read the original dispatch, you can find it here.