Core Programmes

Hello World delivers three core programmes at every Hub to increase the value and accessibility of the Hub in the community.

Our programmes were designed in full consultation with existing Hub communities, to be impact focused and based on community needs.

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Core Programme No.1

Hub Heroes Library

Literacy, numeracy and digital skills for the youngest Hub users.

here to read our latest results from Hub Heroes

What is Hub Heroes Library?

A programme providing 5 additional non-fixed tablets at each Hello Hub, all programmed to offer 3 intentionally selected early learning literacy and numeracy applications including onebillion's award winning software. Children at every Hub come to use these tablets weekly to improve their reading and writing abilities over a period of 12 months.

Why this programme?

Our baseline tests have shown that literacy levels in Hub communities are low. We are aiming for the children completing the programme to significantly increase their digital literacy skills, as well as literacy and numeracy skills to enable them to access the fixed Hub tablets and continue their learning journey at the Hubs.

Who particpates?

The youngest Hub users (4-11 years), prioritising out of school children. In some communities, this programme is also offered to illiterate and innumerate adults.

Core Programme No.2

Basic Computer Training

Digital literacy and internet safety for the most marginalised community members.

What is Basic Computer Training?

An intensive training course focusing on increasing digital literacy in Hub communities, enabling them to participate in the digital world. Training will teach community members how to use the Hub’s hardware and software, how to use digital tools such as email and Microsoft programmes, and how to stay safe online.

Why this programme?

In many Hub communities, digital literacy levels are low, which can deter people from using the Hub or limit Hub users abilities to educate themselves at the Hub.

We promote diversity of Hub users by reducing barriers to using the Hub such as lacking confidence or knowledge of how to use the Hub.

Who particpates?

Age and gender specific groups of community members who lack confidence to use the Hub and people who may use the Hub but would like to gain more digital/computer skills.

Core Programme No.3

Life Skills

Confidence, leadership and problem solving skills for all Hub users, especially women and girls.

What is Life Skills Training?

This training teaches problem solving, leadership, raising your voice and awareness of your rights to ensure that all members feel confident to use the Hub, participate in other core programmes, speak up for their needs, and address issues in their Hub community

Why this programme?

A challenge in Hub communities, particularly with youth and young women is lacking confidence. This can act as a barrier to community members joining Hello World core programmes and often lead to a gender imbalance in Hub usage. The skills learned as part of this training enable existing and prospective Hub users to take full advantage of the opportunities provided at the Hub.

Who particpates?

This training will prioritise young women in order to address gender imbalances at the Hub and in Hub programmes. The training will also be offered to other interested groups, such as young men and older people.

Hello World knows the huge impact that a Hello Hub has in every community. Our core programmes provide a great opportunity to prove this.

Increase in education & skills

Each programme includes a test or a survey which measures whether participants are really learning the skills we say they are.

Diverse participation

Registers for each programme help us measure the age, gender of participants, as well as provide information on whether we are reaching people who have never used the Hub before, have disabilities or have had the opportunity to go to school.

Impact stories

Our richest impact has always been the stories that we hear at the Hub. Through each project, at each Hub, we collect case studies, passing the mic to our Hub users to explain exactly what the impact of the project has been for them.

And this is just the start, in 2024 we will expand this core offering to Hubs in Nepal and new Hello Hub locations across the world.

Want to help us fund more life changing impact?

Play your part in closing the digital divide and support the roll out of our core programmes

Hello Hub illustration